"The term undocumented immigrant refers to foreign nationals who are present in the United States without proper authorization. The more common and accurate term for these individuals is illegal alien. Without proper authorization from the U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services (USCIS), foreign nationals cannot enter the United States to work, establish residency or even visit."
I am aware that a Bill has been proposed and 3 states are already issuing driver licenses to illegal immigrants. But, Seriously? Does this not go against our entire immigration policy? Are we going to next revamp our entire system to accommodate "undocumented" people? I hope that any policy changes are to the benefit of the people that live here legally. So her blog goes on to say that this will put an end to people having an excuse for being the one to run in a hit and run accident. There are many excuses used for hit and runs. No driver license is just one of them. Next she talks about a driver license being a guarantee that a person will maintain vehicle insurance and registration. I believe not. Nor do I believe it would give anyone on either side of the debate peace of mind. People no longer emailing and texting while driving would give me more peace of mind personally. I was taught that having a license was not a right of passage but a privilege to be had if you were a responsible enough to have it. We had to go to driving school we had to pay for it. Vanessa says the 150 dollar fee is to expensive for these people to pay. I have one last question. If you cannot afford the 150 dollar fee, how can you expect to afford that car insurance the license is supposed to guarantee?
I read an article in the Huffington Post that said the "undocumented" people want their license to look exactly the same as everyone else's and have no distinguishing marks on it. Well, if you want the exact same thing, go become a citizen to obtain same rights and privileges.
well said